St. John Neumann Regional School updates curriculum according to state and diocesan guidelines and mandates. Texts are chosen to meet the educational needs of the students. In addition, the testing programs and results assist in these decisions. These meet both diocesan and state requirements.
Religious Education
Christian education is intended to make faith living, conscious, and active, through the light of instruction. The Catholic school is the unique setting within which this ideal can be realized in the lives of Catholic children. Instruction in religious truth and values is an integral part of the school program. It is not one more subject to be learned, but functions as the underlying reality in which the student’s experiences of learning and living achieve their deepest meaning.
The mathematics program is aimed at developing an understanding of basic concepts, patterns, and relationships which reveal the structure of mathematics. Students develop accuracy, skill, and speed in fundamental operations, become proficient in the terminology of mathematics, and focus on problem solving and estimation.
The Art program introduces a variety of media which encourage self-expression through two and three dimensional experiences. Projects often integrate the current classroom studies. Artist and painting styles are included in the program for enjoyment and appreciation. Students in grades K-8 are scheduled for one Art period per week.
Foreign Language
Spanish is taught to students one day a week in grades K-8. This introduction to the Spanish language and culture is to stimulate interest and appreciation for people of varying cultures and their foods and celebrations.
The Reading program is organized to provide sequential, comprehensive, and flexible reading instruction that relates Reading to other subject areas. The major goal of reading instruction is to develop early independence in reading and a life-long interest in reading. The reading instruction respects the individual differences of each student through programs that include ability grouping, continuous progress, and remedial and enrichment reading. Reading evaluation and success are determined through appropriate testing.
The Science curriculum exposes the students to basic laws and principles of earth, life, and physical science through hands-on experiences, teacher demonstrations, and classroom presentations. Visual aids and library research are used as reinforcement.
Students in grades K-8 participate in one music class per week which provides them with the cultural opportunity to develop an appreciation and understanding of modern, classical, and liturgical music.
Physical Education
Students in grades K-8 participate in Physical Education classes once a week. Through various skills and activities, sound physical, social, emotional, and mental growth is developed.Classes are conducted outdoors as weather permits. All children are required to participate in the Physical Education classes. Sickness or injury should be brought to the attention of the gym teacher through a written note from a doctor stating the student may not participate. A written request from the parent may also be honored in certain cases.
Language Arts
The curriculum for Language Arts encompasses grammar, spelling, handwriting, written and oral expression, literature, and poetry. Penmanship is becoming a lost art; therefore, stress is placed on proper formation of letters. Grammar and spelling skills are developed through a sequential program throughout the grades. Using these skills as a base, strong emphasis is placed on writing at all levels.
Social Studies
The curriculum for Social Studies introduces the students to historical concepts, relationships of people throughout the world, citizenship, and current events. Lesson content is clarified and extended through the use of maps, globes, charts, and graphs.
Computer Science/Technology
Every student in grades K-8 participates in a Computer/Technology class weekly. The program integrates a student’s ability to adapt to a technological society and to understand the capabilities and fundamentals of the computer. In this day of advancing technology, students in grades 4–8 are allowed to have Nooks or Kindles for independent reading. SJNRS is not responsible for the safety or care of these privately-owned devices.